At times, you NEED to confront others with the ugly truth. Children have to be taught how to confront others in order to navigate the world.
What lies do you tell to your children? The one involving Santa isn’t a big deal compared to the others that set a precedent for life. Certain lies are sewn into the fabric of American culture, but (in my opinion) need to be ripped from the seams.

“You can do anything.”
This isn’t true. Everyone can’t be a model, Olympic athlete or president of the United States. But, most individuals have a special talent. This is what an effective parent hones in on and helps their child develop.
“Liars never prosper.”
Yes they do. History books are full of liars who stole inventions, land and money. And guess what? They gained fame and fortune because of their deception. These practices continue today and children need to understand how to identify and navigate around an individual with this type of character.
“Be a leader, not a follower.”
No man is an island, a cliché that is actually true. This applies to leaders as well. In order to be out front and in charge, they had to first learn how to follow someone. The key is to select the right person to pattern your self after. Parents can do this job best by being a good role model and demonstrating the qualities necessary to successfully be in charge of others.
“Eat everything on your plate,
there are children starving in Africa.”

Although famine is a deplorable issue in certain parts of Africa, ALL children arent starving in Africa. Besides painting a lopsided picture of a country, this statement also sets a mentality that can lead to overeating. Allow your offspring leeway in regards to what’s on their plate as long as they are healthy. And, if you so concerned about the people in Africa consider giving to a charitable group that helps them.
“Give people the benefit of the doubt.”
We all have seen movies where these words were used to address an individual who was harshly judging someone else. Unfortunately, this thought pattern doesn’t work as well in reality. People’s actions are clues to who they are and humans often fall into unsavory predicaments because of not trusting their instincts and giving a person the benefit of the doubt.
“If you have nothing good to say,
don’t say anything at all.”
In regards to gossip, this statement is a true. It is better to be quiet about nasty tales regarding others, but, what about a situation on the job or in your family? At times, you NEED to confront others with the ugly truth. Children have to be taught how to confront others in order to navigate the world.
These six lies parents should stop telling their children do more harm than good. Children require the truth in order to see the world in a balanced way and be successful.