Wednesday 24 April 2013

I love having fun 24/7 - Naomi Emmanuel

 Naomi  Emmanuel, a Nollywood actress and  final year student of History and International Relations at  Lagos  State University ( LASU), in this interview with TAYO GESINDE in Lagos, speaks on her fashion preferences. Excerpts;

Growing up.
Though I’m from Anambra State, I grew up in Lagos.  Growing up was very interesting because I went to a boarding school so, I grew up with my fellow students.  I attended Government College, Ikorodu.

Foray into acting.
Acting as a career for me started in 2006 when I registered with Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN) and from there, I started getting invitation to auditions. Later on, I started featuring in one or two movies and soaps.  It was not easy at first, jumping from one bus or bike to the other going for auditioning. I could attend six to seven auditions in a day and the locations could be far from the other. One could be at Ikeja, the other Surulere  and another one at Victoria Island.  It was not easy moving from one to the other. Coupled with that was the fact that I didn’t know whether I would be chosen for the job or not but with God, I was able to sustain myself amidst these challenges. My first movie was titled ‘When you are mine’, where I acted alongside Eucharia Anunobi, Emeka Ike, Ini Edo and so on. After this, I featured in a couple of movies like ‘Desire and Confidential Romance’, but it was the Soap Opera Clinic matters, where I acted the role of ‘Nurse Titi’ that brought me to limelight. Playing Nurse Titi has been quite challenging because I did not study Medicine neither did anybody in my family, but I had to pretend as if I was a professional who knew what she was doing. I also had to be speaking big, big terms that I did not know the meaning, I could not even pronounce some of them at first and had to ask the director to teach me how to pronounce them properly.

Description of self.
Naomi is a humble, quiet girl, who loves fun and adventures. People see me as a good girl because I tend not to get them upset. Some of my friends call me sexy because they said I look sexy and act such. So, Naomi Emmanuel is basically a sexy, charming and sumptuous young girl.

Philosophy of life.
Do unto others what you want to be done to you. Believe in yourself and be God-fearing.

Definition of style.
 My style must be simple, attractive and comfortable. My mood usually determines my mode of dressing. Sometimes, I may decide to go formal or sexy.

Beauty regimen.
It is something I don’t joke with because I make sure I am always on point.  I don’t want to commit fashion faux pas because I am a public figure.  I take my shower at the right time and make- up. Sometimes, I don’t even like to make- up but I don’t have a choice, I  have to wear it because I know I am stepping out  and people will definitely look at me. The nature of my job is very demanding, but on rare occasion, when I have time, I go to the spa and get a good massage. I don’t usually do facials because my beauty therapist advised me not to do it. I use any skin product that suits my skin.

Favourite perfumes.
I love so many perfumes. Perfumes are one of the things you could give me to entice me. That’s my little secret that I’m letting out for the first time. I love Givenchy, Gucci, Channel, BVLGARI and  Jennifer Lopez, that lady has nice perfumes; so many of them. If you open my cosmetic box, the highest thing you can see there is perfume. I love perfume a lot because it is good to smell good.

Favourite designers.
I have so many of them but the one I am crazy about is Louis Vuitton. I can spend my last card on Louis Vuitton  because he designs well.  Prada is another designer that I have.

Choice of accessories.
Accessory is another fashion item I don’t joke with. This is something my mum is actually into, she sells pure gold. So, I grew up wearing gold and till date, I don’t joke with it because my accessories define me. My accessories tell who I am anytime  I walk into a place. It is something I look at in other women as well.  I want to know the latest accessory in town, no matter the price, I want to have it because I love accessories a lot.

Accessory I can’t do without.
My earrings because I pierced my ears so, my earrings have to be there.

Favourite colour.
Yellow, blue, pink and white. I love bright colours. I wear bright colours all the time because I am on the dark side so I need something that will make me noticeable.

My most expensive item.
So many things are expensive in my wardrobe starting from perfumes, clothes, undies and handbags.  I cannot say this is the most expensive because virtually everything I have is expensive.

What I won’t be caught dead wearing.
I can’t say bikini because I wear it when swimming and I swim a lot. So, I shouldn’t be caught wearing pant and bra on the street.

Opinion on provocative dressing.
I feel that for the fact that it is provocative, you should not wear it, especially someone like me who is a role model because many people look up to me, I should not wear something that a child or a secondary school student will see and say since I am wearing it, that means it is good and she can wear it too.  If you want to flaunt, you can do that, there are many good dresses you can wear, they do not have to be extremely provocative. However, all these depend on where you are going. You can wear provocative dresses to the club, it is acceptable there but not on the streets.

On toning.
It is not good for me. This has always been my colour. I will just maintain it. Toning to be brighter than I am, I believe is a sin to God.

I love tattoo a lot but as I speak I have just one tattoo in one part of my body. The fact that I love it so much does not mean I should decorate my body with it, my body is the temple of God. The one I have, I did not put it on my boobs, arm or a pronounced place on my body because as an actress, I could get a role that doesn’t  require me having a tattoo, I may try to use foundation to disguise it but it would not be the same.  So many directors and producers have seen this and they said wow!  They like it because I am unique, among other actresses.

Special treat.
I did mention it earlier that I am an adventurous person. I love having fun 24/7. I f I am not working or in school, I love having fun with my family and friends. We could go swimming, karaoking or clubbing. It’s good to ease off stress. I love having fun a lot.

Diet or exercise.
Well, I exercise and if I see that I am growing bigger, I try to watch what I eat.  I don’t let everything go into my mouth.

Pains and gains of being a celebrity.
The pain is not being able to do what I used to do. I can no longer buy boli (roasted plantain) or yam and oil. Those are the things I love to buy. Also, you have to be careful of what you do and say as well as where you go because people tend to criticise you. Now to the gains, being a celebrity, you get a lot of recognition. Sometimes when you go to the store to buy some things, you will get it for free. You are also given preferential treatment when you go out.

What I will like to change about myself.
 I will like to move closer to God.  I love myself the way I am, everything is perfect.

Greatest physical asset.
My smile.

Coping with advances from men.
Whoa! It has not been easy.  When they come, I chat with them but try to keep them at arm’s length. Once they step beyond the boundary, that is the end.

Marital status.
I am single. I’m not in any relationship but I believe and hope in God that I will tie the knot very soon. The man has to be handsome, tall, dark, educated and have a good sense of humour. He must be God-fearing, caring and understanding. He must also be comfortable so he can take care of me.


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