Thursday 18 April 2013

Picture Of Tupac Shakur Spotted On Rihanna's Smartphone

Sometimes ago, Rihanna was spotted at a sporting complex where she usually watch and enjoy sport. But what makes this a news is that the picture of the late world class rapper 'TuPac Shakur' was seen glued to the back of Rihanna's Smartphone. This caused some of her fans to be wondering if Rihanna is a big time fan of the late rapper (although she is not into rap like the rapper).

Very soon, a full interview with Rihanna will see Rihanna answer this if she is truly a fan of Tupac Shakur or not and if Tupac's life ever had any impact in her life which caused her to also be a famous celebrity.
What do you think?
Is Rihanna a fan of TuPac or she just felt like attaching his picture on her phone that very day or is it even someone else phone?

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