Friday 19 April 2013

5 Witches, 7 Little Girls Eat Human Flesh at Grave, Prophet Forces Them to Confess [PICTURED]

5 Witches, 7 Little Girls Eat Human Flesh at Grave, Prophet Forces Them to Confess [PICTURED]

There was drama last week in Glendale when the two young girls who confessed to be part of a witchcraft group, implicated elderly members of their cult who were later taken to a prophet for cleansing.

It has also emerged that witches do not just eat any human body part at will, but they rather share and distribute according to their group's "Terms and Conditions of allocation". Others go for the head, some intestines and others hands and legs.

Two young girls who are in Grade 5 and Form 2 respectively confessed two weeks ago that they are made pathfinders by elderly members of their witchcraft group each night as they go to graves where they mysteriously dig into graves before eating human flesh and drinking blood.

The matter was taken to Chief Chiweshe's traditional court. Four women and one man have since been implicated by the two minor girls, and they all live at the Kia-ora farm's compound. However, when the five appeared before Chief Chiweshe, they all denied the allegations.
After denying the claims, Chief Chiweshe, born Joseph Chigariro, and his aide Bennett Mudimu were forced to call upon the services of traditional healers or prophets to ascertain whether the accused are indeed into witchcraft as alleged.

Two Village Heads of the areas where the alleged evil acts are taking place, Mrs Theresa Mawadza of Kia-ora Farm and Mr Bennett Mudimu of Craigen Gowers farm (aka Chimunan'a), last week took the alleged witches to Mazowe where they met Prophet Gabriel Lonemore Kambudzi (39) who is a member of Johane Masowe Nyenyedzi Nomwe yeNguwo Tsvuku.

The father of the Grade 5 girl, who claimed to be positioned at the forefront during the witchcraft escapades, was the first to take his daughter to this church's Masowe (place of worship for an apostolic sect) where he was advised to bring at least two elders who were being implicated as part of the flesh-eating cult by the young girls.

Our ever-adveturous News Crew climbed up the Sekure Hills in Mazowe so as to capture the proceedings of the cleansing ceremony which was conducted at shrine named Esinai. The reporters found four adults who were being accused of leading the witchcraft group. The cleansing ceremony commenced after some singing while the accused where surrounded by 'prayer warriors' of the church. The man, who was said to be the overall leader of the group, was forced to sit on top of a water-filled clay pot which was tied on top with a red cloth.

The Grade 5 girl, who was standing in front of the four elders, pointed at the man after being asked to name their leader. The juvenile explained how they work as 'witches' and how their leader operates at night. She also narrated how they visit graves at night where every member of the cult would eat human flesh.

Surprisingly, the girl claimed that her own grandmother - the mother of her father - is the only one who eats human feet while other members of the group eat various human body parts of their choice. However the accused grandmother had fled her homestead amid reports that her son - father of the girl - wanted to stone her for allegedly initiating his daughter into witchcraft, which is the reason why she was not part of the cleansing ceremony.

"My grandmother (name withheld) is the one who eats human feet only. XXX's grandmother (name withheld) feeds on human intestines, YYY's mother (name withheld) goes for the head while legs and hands are for ZZZ's grandmother and (names supplied)," openly revealed the minor.

The girl further claimed that each of the five suspected witches has initiated his/her own granddaughter into witchcraft.

"We do not eat flesh for young children or babies, only our elders are entitled to that. We also don't eat any body part, we are only given backs," she added.

Prophet Gabriel asked the man to confess being into witchcraft but initially he denied the allegations before confessing later on after being subjected to holy water and holy stick.

"I might be into witchcraft without knowing. I could also be subconsciously moving (at night) with these girls and these women. So I kindly beg to be cleansed of this witchcraft spirit so that I can be clean," he said.

Much to the excitement of our news crew, this man was also prophesied to be a renowned mubobobo user (witchcraft related charms used to mysteriously have sex with any woman without her consent), and the man openly admitted that it was true.

"You are a wizard, there are no two ways about it, you are into witchcraft," said the prophet.

Likewise, all other women who were being accused of being into witchcraft later confessed after initially denying the allegations.

"The witchcraft spirits that these people are possessed with are different. Some operate by night, some are possessed with ancestral spirits but as for this man it's a different case altogether. He is a real witch, there is no doubt about that. I caught you before you even came here. Vamwe vakatemerwa nyora dzehuroyi kumusana kwavo (Some have witchcraft spirits traditionally instilled into their bodies)," said Prophet Gabriel.

It took about four good hours for the accused people to eventually confess that they were allegedly practicing witchcraft unintentionally. The four accused witches were later forced to hold hands as the prophet sprinkled holy water on them while the rest of church members were singing. The Grade 5 girl's grandmother who was not present, had reportedly previously confessed to be a witch when she first visited the shrine for prayers.

The man who was said to be the leader o the group was instructed to bring all the robes and tools of trade he uses when practicing witchcraft, which were hidden in his house, according to the prophet's prophecy. The other five girls who were said to have been introduced into witchcraft were also told to visit the prophet for cleansing.

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